TDSL Personal Edition provides you with a comprehensive database for querying vacuum tube data. Easy to download, the program launches an easy to navigate Windows style interface which presents you with tabs for more specific information about pinout, substitute, ratings, short data and the Links tab that includes URL links to data sheets for more than 9,500 vacuum tubes on the Internet. The program also includes advanced search capabilities. From the 'Search' menu in the toolbar, you can choose whether you want to find tubes with the Designator option, by entering further criteria, or with the more detailed Parametric search.
The File context menu features the 'Info' option that prompts the program to open the Database Information window, which informs you about the number of tube types; the percentage of pinout, sub and rating information, as well as their short and URL figures. Details for the number of pinout types included in the database are also displayed in this window, including their substitute rating, short data records and data sheet URL figures. This program also features a filter panel that displays the tubes that met your search criteria and over 4,300 diagram and pin lists are available for viewing in the pinout tab.